Our Team

Richard Klein Ovink

Managing Director
Senior Business Skills Trainer And Executive Coach

My privilege is emparting knowledge & expertise in business and people development. I’ve been on the journey with many, helping them find and achieve greater success in all of life. Like to know more? Read my book LEGACIES, to learn a little more about me, what we do, and what we’ve done to create and live an amazing life.

Kelly Klein Ovink

Senior Business Skills Trainer
Executive Business Skills Coach

Engaging, entertaining and connecting with everyone is what I love and do. And then my success is enabling and watching people empower themselves to generate outcomes beyond even their expectations.

Luke Larking

Selling Our Value & Dream
New Business Development & Media Director

Dedication to growth and change is an absolute foundation for who Luke is and the energy he brings to any connection he has. Luke’s excitement and vision for how things could be is the motivator others lean on while gaining their own growth.

Isaac Klein Ovink

Selling Our Value & Dream - New Business Development
Youth Keynote Speaker

With his high energy, passion for life, and always willing to share a story.  Isaac connects with people quickly allowing them to find themselves in the stories he tells, while leading them through skills that bring them a way forward.

Baylin Larking

Caring For Our Customers
Extended DISC Personality Profiling Coach

You will be welcomed, heard and cared for by Baylin. She is gentle kind and caring, and her passion for helping people understand themselves and finding freedom is what drives Baylins success with people transformation.

PJ Klein Ovink

Building Our Community
Social Media Marketing

PJ leads with wit and wisdom.  PJ’s ability to read, and understand you is next level. Through a more quiet, relaxed approach, PJ will draw out solutions, skills, behaviours and insights that are fresh, and full of new energy. 

Natacha Bade

Business Skills Coach And Trainer

It’s her wisdom, guidance and fearless approach to not only her coaching and training clients but also her approach to how she lives her own life. Tach will take you to a point of change quickly while empowering you with the skills and choices you need to get there.