Unlock Elite Leadership Skills: Join Our Advanced Leadership Two-Day Workshop!

Upcoming Workshop Dates

$1,992.00 AUD

Motion Release Special Workshops: $498 off
Normally: $2,490

Transform your leadership journey and inspire your team like never before! This workshop will equip you with essential tools to create a compelling vision, motivate your team, and execute plans with precision.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Full Two Days of Intensive Training: From start to finish, our workshop is designed to keep you engaged and learning.
  • Transformative Skills and Behaviours: Discover the daily skills and behaviours that will bring about real change and drive results.
  • Interactive and Fun: Get ready to participate in exercises that are not only educational but also enjoyable.
  • Specific to You: Join an exclusive group of just 14 participants in a highly facilitated session. Experience personalised training tailored specifically to your unique needs and aspirations, making it feel as though it’s been crafted just for you.

Why Join This Workshop?

In this highly engaging and transformative two-day event, you will:

  1. Develop a Performance-Driven Plan: Learn to set plans that not only drive performance but ensure execution every time.
  2. Craft a Unique Vision: Create a tailored vision for your team to align and inspire growth.
  3. Master Team Dynamics: Understand and assess the needs of your team, enhancing communication and empathy.
  4. Hone Delegation Skills: Maximize efficiency by mastering the art of delegation—leadership is about achieving through others.
  5. Ensure Buy-In: Discover strategies to gain buy-in and foster a sense of personal responsibility among team members.
  6. Set Clear Goals: Use the GROW model to set and achieve both team and individual goals effectively.
  7. Maintain Accountability: Keep your team on track and accountable, paving the way for continuous improvement.
  8. Enhance Coaching and Mentoring: Utilize coaching skills to guide your team, and become an inspiring mentor.
  9. Navigate Difficult Situations: Build confidence in dealing with difficult people and challenging scenarios.
  10. Increase Self-Awareness: Gain deeper insights into your own leadership style, recognizing what works and potential hindrances.

Workshop Details:

  • Interactive Experience: This is a face-to-face, hands-on workshop designed to keep you engaged and involved from start to finish.
  • Comprehensive Materials: Participants will receive a thorough training workbook to complement the instruction.
  • Join Our Community: Become part of our exclusive Motion community, where continuous learning and motivation are just the beginning.
  • Post-Workshop Support: Continue your growth with access to support videos, audio training, and our motivational communications campaign.

Flexible Enrollment Options:

  • Sign Up Now, Pay Later: Reserve your seat with no immediate financial commitment—you're not locked in until your payment is made.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transcend your current leadership capabilities and lead your team to new heights!

Register now and transform your leadership journey!

$1,992.00 AUD

Motion Release Special Workshops: $498 off
Normally: $2,490

* Register your interest & we will be in touch when the next available workshop is scheduled.

"I have been able to confidently take my learnings and apply them to my business environment, giving me the opportunity to upskill in my management role, and learn new things. I credit Richard for my successes." Danielle Ware.

"Thank you, Kelly. The course was exceptionally useful to us. The role-plays brought the examples to life, and everyone took great learnings away."

Nina Hassall - Senior Manager - Westpac Banking

Unlock Elite Leadership Skills: Join Our Advanced Leadership Two-Day Workshop!

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